Chapter 27: Three More Reports Authenticating the Mansoor-Amarna Collection

In early 1975, at the suggestion of Dr. Rainer Berger, Professor of Anthropology, Geography and Geophysics at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), the Mansoors approached Dr. Reiner Protsch Von Zieten, professor of Anthropology at the University of Frankfurt, Director of the Department of Palaeoanthropology and Archaeometry (C-14 + Amino-acid Laboratories), Osteo-Archaeometry, J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, who was visiting in California and doing research work at UCLA. Dr. Protsch Von Zieten saw, studied, and examined all the sculptures in San Francisco and Los Angeles over a period of many weeks. He took his own notes, and his own photographs as well as detailed measurements of the portraits, features, etc. Furthermore, he consulted some of the photographs and radiographies taken by the De Ment Laboratories of Portland, Oregon, and by Dr. Fred Stross. For his more thorough morphological examination, he selected all the sculptures representing the six princesses, daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. The conclusion of his examination was positive, as shown by his report, dated December 1, 1976:

It is interesting to note here that sixteen years earlier in his report dated June 17, 1959, Dr. Jack DeMent had discussed and anticipated a similar approach to the problem as a possible additional test.

Following this important document, the Mansoors received in February 1976, another scientific report from Dr. Rainer Berger, Professor of Anthropology, Geography and geophysics, at UCLA, who had been familiar with every aspect of the problem for a number of years and had seen and examined many of the sculptures over an extended period of time. The conclusion of his examination was also on the positive side:

Dr. Pierre Bariand, Curator of the Mineral Collection at the Laboratoire de Minéralogie-Cristalographie, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Sorbonne), Paris, wrote on June 25, 1980, (cf. "In Defence . . ." p. 36) after examining three Mansoor Amarna objects (Nos. 19, 24 and 26):

Dr. Philippe Blanc, a colleague of Dr. Bariand at the same Laboratory, stated without ambiguity that the limestone of the Mansoor objects is natural, and, "D'aprés les travaux de géologie réalisé en Egypte, une localisation probable de ces matérieux serait: Luxor et Quena sur la vallée du Nil." (cf. "In Defence..." p. 38) Translated: "From geological work done in Egypt, a probable localization of the material (limestone) would be: Luxor and Quena in the Nile Valley."

Thus, while the dissident group and their followers were vegetating in their Middle-Age views, and while they were misbehaving, the scientists, the true Egyptologists, and the Mansoors were doing their duty toward one of the most magnificent groups of ancient Egyptian sculptured masterpieces to have ever been unearthed.

Copyright © 1995 Christine Mansoor

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